Computational Thinking + Doing

Object, Block, and File Store on the Cloud

Storing, retrieving, and sharing American Express data in a simple, reliable, and scalable way—using AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Object Store

Getting started

For this example, I will use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Azure Blob Storage, and GCP Cloud Storage as my object storage. In my system design, my goal is to download a 50.31 GB American Express data from a Kaggle competition (external data source) and save that into useable .csv files in the object storage bucket.

Processing objects to be stored

Function as a Service (FaaS): AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and GCP Cloud Functions

Retrieving, processing, and storing an external data source in an object store

// AWS Lambda

// Azure Functions

// GCP Cloud Functions

Block Store

Getting started

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Azure Disk Storage, and GCP Persistent Disk

// AWS

// Azure

// GCP

// OCI

File Store

Getting started

Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), Azure Files, and GCP Filestore

// AWS

// Azure

// GCP

Applied Computing