Product Thinking + Doing

Working Backwards Starts With Goal Setting

Goal setting plays a crucial role in implementing Amazon’s “Working Backwards” philosophy. By setting clear and measurable goals, product teams can align their efforts, track progress, and ensure that the final product delivers the desired outcomes. Here’s how goal setting contributes to the effective implementation of the philosophy:

  1. Vision Alignment: Setting goals helps align the product team’s vision with the overall customer vision. It ensures that everyone is working towards a common objective and understands the desired end result. Clear goals provide a shared understanding of what needs to be achieved, guiding decision-making and prioritization throughout the product development process.
  2. Focus and Prioritization: Goals provide focus and help product teams prioritize their efforts. When there is a clear set of goals, it becomes easier to identify the most important features and functionalities to include in the product. By aligning product development decisions with the defined goals, teams can avoid feature creep and ensure that resources are allocated effectively.
  3. Measurable Outcomes: Well-defined goals are typically measurable, allowing teams to track progress and evaluate success. When implementing the “Working Backwards” philosophy, it is important to set specific metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that reflect the desired customer outcomes. This enables teams to assess whether the product is meeting customer expectations and iterate accordingly.
  4. Accountability and Ownership: Setting goals creates a sense of accountability and ownership within the product team. Each team member understands their role in achieving the defined goals and takes responsibility for their contribution. This fosters a culture of ownership and empowers individuals to make decisions and take actions that drive progress towards the shared objectives.
  5. Iterative Improvement: Goals can be revisited and adjusted as the product evolves. The “Working Backwards” philosophy encourages an iterative approach, and goal setting should be flexible enough to accommodate changes based on customer feedback and market insights. By regularly reviewing and refining goals, teams can continuously improve the product and adapt to evolving customer needs.
  6. Alignment with Amazon’s Principles: Amazon’s leadership principles emphasize the importance of setting high standards and driving results. By implementing goal setting in the context of the “Working Backwards” philosophy, product teams align with these principles and create a culture of accountability and outcome orientation. Goals serve as milestones that enable teams to measure their progress and ensure they are delivering customer value.

In summary, goal setting provides clarity, focus, and accountability in implementing Amazon’s “Working Backwards” philosophy. It aligns the team’s vision, enables prioritization, and facilitates iterative improvement. By setting measurable goals that reflect customer outcomes, product teams can track progress, make data-driven decisions, and ultimately build products that deliver value to customers.


AI-First Technical Product Management