Computational Thinking + Doing

NoSQL Columnar Databases

Managing wide-column, 2-D key-value data—using Amazon Redshift, Azure Cosmos DB, and GCP Cloud Bigtable.

Getting Started

If you are interested in reproducing this work, here are the versions of Python and Python packages used.

import sys
3.9.6 (v3.9.6:db3ff76da1, Jun 28 2021, 11:49:53) 
[Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)]
!pip install pandas==1.3.4
import pandas

Since Amazon Redshift, Azure SQL Database, and GCP BigQuery are paid structured query language (SQL) server cloud services, it will be prudent to model your tasks locally (on-premise, i.e., your personal computer), before attempting to replicate the same tasks on the cloud and possibly incurring costs while doing so.

A PostgreSQL (or Postgres) relational database management system (RDBMS) image on Docker will be used as the local SQL server. The Psycopg package will be used as a Python interface to run queries on Postgres.

Applied Computing